New features:
- Added the "ordering" question type
- Emails that have failed to be delivered more than 3 times will not be sent in the mailer's scheduled task
- Added the "clear rejected" button in the Home / Notifications -> Queue tab
- Warning: From 1/1/2019, eFront will only operate on systems equipped with PHP version 7.2 or higher.
- Removed references to PHP's deprecated create_function() from the core
- Fixed a bug when importing CSV Group assignments, the relevant events not getting fired as well as the implicit course assignments
deriving from groups where not happening - Fixed status code 500 instead of 204 when sending xAPI requests to own LRS hosted under nginx
- Fixed issues with validating the course rules form
- Fixed triggering the UserCurriculumStarted event every time the learner started a course that belonged to that curriculum
- Fixed error when selecting a question of type "random" as the question to complete a unit with
- Fixed a bug that would replace relative with absolute URLs when editing a discussion attachment
- Fixed a bug in the user list table that would not return correct results if searching in the extended profile fields of the user
- Fixed a bug that would send out Course Expiration Notifications to learners that had already completed the expired courses
- Fixed an issue that would replace relative with absolute URLs when editing a discussion attachment
- Fixed a problem in the user list table that would not return correct results if searching in the extended profile fields of the user
- Fixed an issue in branch audiences that affected course catalogs of unrelated branches
- Fixed branch notifications being associated with the global context, when the respective branch is deleted
- Fixed issue about not rendering Gift/Aiken page correctly with PHP version 7.2 or higher
- Fixed issue about showing correct answers in survey reports
- Fixed issue about announcements created in branch shown to users in different branch-trees
- Fixed issue about setting random pool size when assigning random questions to tests introduced in 5.2.0
- Fixed issue about password not showing up in 'user created' notifications, if it was blank and set to 'same as login'