New Features:
- Added 'Branch' column in Reports -> Certificates
- Added attribute truncated to tag in Certificates
- Added support for SAML login on mobile apps
- Added support for MySql version 8
- Integration with the video transcoding service has now been improved
- Removed warning message shown to logged in users after trying to access a page and were forced to login via SAML
- Small improvements in the AIKEN import format
- Changed id type in users_to_audiences database table to int
- Fixed an issue that would include archived courses in custom reports counters
- Fixed truncated course title in Certificates when course title exceeds 70 characters
- Fixed intermittent problems when submitting large tests under slow network connections
- Fixed a bug that would cause rejected emails to still be sent
- Fixed issue about selecting recipients in personal messages when the search is disabled in user type
- Fixed issue about returning courses not related to branch on Courses REST API call from a branch
- Fixed issue about ajax calls in IE while running under IIS server and custom HTTP port
- Fixed issue about SQL error after deleting an administrator that was the creator of other users
- Fixed issues about displaying discussions in branches that should not be shown
Enhancements: - Fixed issue regarding AutoSync export functionality