- Categories are now searchable in the global search
- Added option to display announcements before and/or after sign in
- Added the "Assigned & Completed Courses" column in the System Reports
- Added the ability to export Custom reports as CSV
- Added the "Curriculum completion" Notification
- Added the option to include user extended fields in notification templates
- Added LDAP users' info synchronization
- Added ability to change maximum cron jobs lock times
- Raised the limit for maximum options in Match type questions from 20 to 40
- Added the 'Course Code' and 'Course Type' as optional custom report columns
Bug Fixes:
- Extended profile fields of type 'Checkbox' and 'List' now work properly
- Fixed wrong options being displayed in course rules
- Fixed revoke icon in Users -> Certificates operations
- Fixed a bug that would return search results to branch admins without having permission to see it
- Fixed an issue with password notifications not sent when two users have the same email and one is archived
- Fixed an issue with HTML5 videos not playing on iOS devices
- Fixed an issue with foxy data feed using Foxy Cart payment gateway
- Fixed an issue when deleting an event in a Blended course would cause all units in that course to be deleted
- Fixed a data discrepancy issue in graphs
- Fixed the natural language text when selecting custom rules using the 'have status in course' rule
- Fixed a user-types' permission issue assigning jobs in Users -> Job tab
- Fixed the total number of questions in Tests when a question was deleted
- Empty values will now clear and overwrite any previous values in extended fields on edit
- Fixed an issue where using HTTP POST/PUT to create/update user extended data was failing
- Fixed total number of questions in Tests when a question was deleted
- Empty values will now clear and overwrite any previous values in extended fields
- Fixed the session request link
- Fixed alignment in grade element in Certificates
- Fixed displaying correct answers in matrix-type questions
- Fixed available 'Archive' option in Reports -> Mass Actions when Admin didn't have Course/User 'Edit' permission
- Fixed course code in the multilingual context
- Fixed an issue with cover images in Edge and IE
- Fixed an issue when cloning a unit by pressing the 'Clone and clone another' button
- Fixed CourseUserStatus API endpoint status validation
- Fixed an issue with custom reports when status and specific courses were selected
- Fixed error appearing when submitting security branch settings page as a supervisor
- Fixed translation issue in 'showing questions' section in tests/surveys
- Fixed issue about filtering in skills list page as a supervisor
- Fixed an issue in reports when used with the period filter
- Fixed Cloned, linked units can be disabled by "Toggle status" without affecting the original unit (#5406)
ar_AE language updates - Fixed an issue where notifications from sub-branches were sent using global SMTP settings.
- Fixed an issue with broken images when using custom content blocks in the login screen (MS IE & Edge).
- Fixed problem with multiple "training not completed" notifications, as defined per branch
- Fixed very rare inconsistency when showing status in a content tree for tests with multiple attempts
Security updates - Fixed problem when viewing matching questions and the test's settings are "one by one" and "immediate feedback"
- Fixed issue about running custom reports created by inactive users
- Fixed duplicate emails being sent out when the Email server takes too long to process queue
- Fixed issue about recalculating audiences due to an AutoSync Task