Within eFront, you can set various performance options as well as debug options to perform specific debugging.
You can access Debugging from System settings (1) > Debugging (2).
Let us review all Debugging options one by one.
- Lock system and only allow administrators to sign in (3): Select this option in case you encounter suspicious behavior in the platform and want to disable all sign-ins except administrator sign-ins.
- Enable error log (4): Select this option to enable the error log within the system. Once you have enabled this option you can access the error log from Maintenance (5) > Error log (6).
- Check for updates (7): Select this option if you would like to have your system check for updates automatically.
- Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode (8): In case you access eFront from an older IE browser (older than version 8) you would get a message that you are browsing the system through an old browser.
Select this option if you want to disable this warning. This option might come in handy, especially in corporate environments that have set IE browsers to run on compatibility mode, etc.
- Debug mode (9): This option allows you to enable debug information to be available for certain users once they log in to their accounts.
Start typing to get a list of users and select the users for whom you want to enable this option. The next time a user in that list logs in will get the corresponding debug options at the bottom of the screen (10).
Note: Enabling debug mode may affect the system’s performance, especially in long-running operations (such as CSV Import/Export). It is possible that processes will timeout or error out due to memory exhaustion.
- CSV Import Limit (11): Configure the maximum allowed number of lines for the .csv used to import data in your eFront system.