eFront only stores files in the www/content folder. As such, if you need to back up your eFront installation, the minimum that is required is this folder and the database.
This means that you can get a backup of your files and data by executing the following commands:
[root]# mysqldump -u efront_user -p'efront_password' efront_database > /path/to/backups/dump.sql [root]# tar zcvf /path/to/backups/files.tar.gz /path/to/efront
Note: In case the backup can't be completed as expected and as explained in this article, please check the values set in your PHP.ini for "max_execution_time", "memory_limit", "post_max_size", "max_input_time", and in your SQL configuration file for the "max_allowed_packet", and increase their values until you can successfully create a backup.