To fully customize the look and feel of your eFront learning system you may use the Site builder feature, which is available in Themes section, Log in as administrator. From your Administration dashboard, visit themes to access the site builder.
The 'Site builder' allows you to create pages and blocks. A block, in eFront lingo, is any separate rectangular page entity, such as the Signup form or the Announcements list, while a page is a web page where you can create and edit its content.
Customizing the Homepage
You can use the site builder to customize your portal home page. By default, you can find the homepage available and pre-selected in the navigation bar of the site builder (1).
The page is consists of three parts, the Left the Central and the Right column and each one of them can have its own blocks. In order to insert a block into a column, click on the 'Insert block' button (2) and select the block you want to add. There are some pre-set blocks that you can use (3).
Adding new blocks
Apart from these pre-set blocks, you can create your own by clicking on the Add button (4) and selecting the Block option (5).
Through the add new block page, you may define a name for that block, a title and the type of it. The available types are :
- Simple content where you can create a block and type in the content you want
- Promoted courses where you can select specific courses to be promoted, as described in this guide
- Image where you can add images by pasting their URLs
- Video where you can add a video URL
According to the type that you select, different fields will show up that you will have to fill in.
For example, if you select the video type you can paste a URL directly from YouTube (6):
The newly created block will then appear in your list of available blocks and you can insert it into your page just like the pre-set ones.
Adding new pages
To create a new page click on the 'Add' button (1) and select the 'Page' option (2).
Setting up a new page is rather easy and straightforward. Initially, you need to set up its primary attributes, which are the type of the page (3), title and URL (4). The type of the page can be either template or URL, meaning that template is a page where you will define its layout using the site builder tool and URL where the page will get its content from the URL you will provide.
Next you may define the search engine optimization options where you can provide a meta description and meta keywords for that page (5) and finally, you may define the display of the page (6) choosing whether it is going to be available to log in users, to not logged in users or both.
Once you have created a new page you may still edit it from the navigation bar of the site builder tool (7) by inserting blocks to it (8).
Click on the page title to get it highlighted and then, if the page is of template type you may start building its layout.
Note: See also this article on how customizing homepages for specific branches.