The new type of unit called TalentCraft provides a few components you can use to enrich your course content. Important for any type of material is the ability to add images.
Here’s how to add images:
- Sign in as an Administrator or Instructor and either create a new course or edit an existing one. Then, click on ‘Add Content’ and then on ‘Add TalentCraft unit’ or edit a TalentCraft unit. For new units, select the Start from scratch (1) option.
- Hover over the toolbar, click Image (2) and a sample image will be added.
- Click Select image (3) and a pop-up window will appear with the following options:
- Craft Library: select an image from our ready-made library. Select the category you want at the top and then browse the relevant images to select one for your content.
- Stock images: use the search field to briefly describe the image you are looking for in any of the four online services: Unsplash, Giphy, Pixabay, and Pexels.
- AI images: use the search field to find an already created AI image, or click Create image to briefly describe the image you would like to be created by the AI.
- My library: any images you have already uploaded will be visible here, so you can easily select one from your library directly.
- Browse: drag-and-drop images or browse your computer to upload a new image. You have an upload limit of 10MB, and these images will be visible in your library.
- Add the preferred image by selecting (4) it.
To change the alignment or add more than one image, click Image centered (5), and from the drop-down menu, select :
- Image centered: The image appears full-sized in the center of the page.
- Image full width: The image appears in its full width, and you can click Reposition to adjust its position regarding the height.
- Image & Text Right: A text field appears on the right of your image. Use the || symbol to adjust the size of the image and the text field dynamically.
- Image & Text Left: A text field appears on the left of your image. Use the || symbol to adjust the size of the image and the text field dynamically.
- Text on image: The image appears in its full width, and you can click Reposition to adjust its position regarding the height while a text field appears on the image.
- Carousel: Add multiple images by clicking the + symbols on the left and right side of the image you have already added. The relevant images will appear full-sized in a Carousel layout. After adding your second image, you can hover over the arrow on that side and click the + symbol to add another image in the same direction.
- Two column grid: Add multiple images that appear full-sized in a grid. As soon as you add a second image and your row is complete, a + button appears at the bottom. By clicking the + button, you can add another arrow with the same number of columns to your grid.
- Three column grid: Same as above, offering three image placeholders per row instead of two.
- Four column grid: Same as above, offering four image placeholders per row.
Note: The accepted file types are .jpeg, .png, .apng, .gif, .webp, .tiff, .bmp, .heic, .heif, .jp2, and .avif. |
Click Publish to save the changes for your TalentCraft unit.