New features:
- Added a unit completion option: After the video ends.
- Added option to mass Enroll/Unenroll users from the curriculum in Home > Reports users tab.
- Added a new API endpoint to return a user's test attempts history for a specific course.
- Added User Creation filter in user reports.
- Introduced tags for Courses, Units, and Questions.
- Added tab "Used By Curricula" in Certificates.
- Introduced scoring rules for curricula.
- Introduced completion rules for curricula.
- Optimized SQL query in the search bar.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes an issue with the apostrophe in the username.
- Fixed an issue in audiences if there is more than one training session in a course.
- Fixed an issue in Summernote with 'textarea' as a training session extended profile field.
- Fixed an issue with setting cookies after closing an announcement.
- Fixed prefilled secret keys and passwords.
- Fixed a problem that occurred on the print test page.
- Fixed encoding issue with course name, in clone window.
- Fixed an issue with the CSV export button in iOS.
- Fixed an issue with duplicated files when cloning units.
- Fixed dropdown display issue inside tables.
- Fixed an issue with edit mode in the course dashboard.
- Fixed an issue in tests when using the 'Force answer all' option.
- Fixed an issue with images and mail URLs in notifications.
- Fixed Internet Explorer 11 bug with Calendar.
- Fixed issue with LDAP checkbox option in the user's profile.
- Fixed an issue with CSV import and training sessions.
- Fixed incorrect registration date in Curricula.
- Fixed an issue in the password reset procedure.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect SCORM score showing 100% instead of 0%, for few SCORM units.
- Fixed an issue with uploading .vtt files in Windows.
- Fixed an issue in surveys when creating a matrix question.
- Fixed an issue with surveys and edit mode.
- Fixed an issue when restoring a branch notification.