eFront lets you authenticate learners and track their progress through BioSig-ID, a biometric multi-factor authentication solution. The BioSig-ID process authenticates users in a few seconds by simply asking them to draw four characters with their finger (or mouse).
Here's how to activate and configure the BioSig™ ID integration in a few steps:
Note: In order to get API access (BioSig-ID credentials) you will need to be a Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) provider and have a BioSig account registered here. |
1. Sign in to your eFront account as main Administrator and go to Home > Extend profile.
2. Click Add field.
3. In the required fields, type a Name and Label for your field (e.g., Signature).
4. From the Create for and Type drop-down lists, choose Users (1) and Textbox (2) respectively.
5. Click Add to create your new field.
6. Go to Home > Plugins.
7. Locate the BSI plugin (or type BSI in the search field below the list) and click the respective switch (3) in the Status column to turn it ON.
8. Go to Home and click BioSig™ ID to configure the plugin.
9. Click Configuration (1).
10. Fill in all the required fields.
Note: Associate the Provider NMLS-ID field to the custom user field you've created earlier (i.e., Signature). Optionally, you can activate two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA only works for learner accounts. |
11. Click Save to save your configuration.
12. Return to Home > BioSig™ ID and click Courses.
13. Click the respective switches in the Status column to activate biometric authentication on your preferred courses and set a duration for each course (click the respective plus or minus symbols in the Course Duration (in Hours) column).
On top of the Courses page, the Authentication Tokens table displays the exact times that learners are asked to authenticate themselves via BioSig-ID depending on the duration and structure of a course.
More specifically:
- Begin | Resuming: When learners access a course unit for the first time or at each subsequent visit in a new (login) session. The first unit is excluded as it mainly contains information on how to follow the biometric authentication process correctly.
Middle#1 | Middle#2 | Middle#3: When learners have stayed in the course for a specific period of time. For example, if the duration of a course is 6 hours, the biometric authentication dialog box pops up automatically at the 2 and 4-hour marks.
FinalExam: If a course contains a test, learners are asked to authenticate themselves via biometric signature right before taking the test. That rule applies to final tests only.