Just like with SCORM and TinCan, eFront lets you import AICC content directly into a new course unit.
Here's how:
1. Sign in to your eFront account as Administrator and go to Home > Courses (or sign in as Instructor and stay at your My courses page).
2. Go to a course page, click Add content and, from the drop-down list, choose Add unit.
3. Type a Unit name and, from the Source drop-down list, choose File (1).
4. Click the Upload new (2) button next to the File field, and choose an AICC package to upload from your local disk.
Note: Alternatively, you can create a new AICC unit by dragging and dropping your AICC package into the course dashboard (3). When the upload progress bar (4) is full, and if the course contains only one lesson, a single unit is automatically added to the content. Click Edit to go to the unit settings.
The system automatically identifies the uploaded file as AICC content and provides you with a new set of settings.
Note: Just like with SCORM and TinCan content, the How to complete it switch is automatically set to None.
5. From the Embed as (1) drop-down list, choose how you want your content to be embedded (either as an iFrame or a pop-up window).
Note: When your content is embedded as a pop-up, the users see a Click to start button in its place.
6. In the Dimensions (w x h) (2) fields, type your preferred dimensions for the iFrame or the pop-up window.
7. Check When failed retain the failed status upon retries (3) when you want users to take your content once and, if they fail, not have another chance at passing. Even if a user retakes the AICC unit and passes it, their status doesn't change.
8. By default, users can retake your unit an unlimited amount of times. If necessary, you can type a limited amount of retries in the Allowed retries field.
9. Preview your uploaded content in the content editor (4), and click Save to add your new AICC unit to your course content.