In this guide, we are going to describe how the calendar function in eFront works.
1. To access your calendar, log in to your account and there you will see the corresponding menu shortcut on the top of your screen. This is located on the right of the navbar (1).
Clicking on this short would open up a menu with links towards the calendar function (2).
Once you get to the calendar page, you will be able to see the calendar view (along with any scheduled events if any exist - i.e. the calendar shows all the sessions of ILT courses that the user should see) and various options.
Let's go through all these options one by one.
(3) You can toggle your calendars appearance between a daily, monthly and weekly view.
(4) You can add a new event to your calendar.
(5) You can export your calendar information (events etc) to later import it to some other calendar application you might use.
(6) Finally, you can navigate through periods along your calendar (the navigation period depends on the calendar view have selected)
Adding a new Event
Administrators and Instructors can create events shown to all users and also recurring events, while learners are able to add only their own personal events in their calendars (and each event will be shown just to the user that created it).
As administrator or instructor, you will see this pop up appearing when adding a new event to the calendar (click on the add new event button within the calendar page):
Here are those options in details:
- Title: This is a title for your new event
- Description: This is a description of your new event
- Date: You can choose the date this event is going to take place. Clicking on this field will provide you with a data picker to select the preferable date.
- Duration: You can use the slider available to indicate how much time this new event is going to last. You also have the option to toggle between minutes/hours to change the time unit for the duration of the event.
- This event is for me only (private): Check this if you want the new event to be private or public
- This is a recurring event: Check this if the new event is going to be recurring
- Course: You can select from the available courses in the drop-down field whether this event is going to be linked to some course or not. Once you attach the event to a course, this event will appear in all the course users calendars.
Once you add a new event, this is going to appear on your calendar.
If you would like to edit an event or perform other various operation, you just click on it. A pop up will appear.
This pop up shows information about your event (like its title and description, its duration and who created the event). You can:
(1) Update the event's information or delete it
(2) Export for use (importing) to some other popular calendar application.
Apart from exporting a single event, you can export the whole calendar and even sync it with other applications as described in this article.