In order to offer discounts for your courses, you need to create a new price track. To do this log in as the administrator and from Administration dashboard visit the E-commerce section.
Over there among the available options, you will be able to find the section Price track (1).
Click on that to get to your price tracks. Over there you will be able to view a tabular list of all your price tracks so far. To add a new one click on the "Add price track button" (2).
This will get you to the add a price track page where you can add a new price track.
You will be able to view some options you need to set your price track. Let's review them one by one:
- Name: this field is mandatory and will be the name of your price track
- Base Price: This is the base price for your price track. Setting a base price will override the price of all items that this price track applies to
- Discount/Premium: This is the amount of discount you will be offering you price track. Click on the minus/plus button on the left to toggle between discount and premium. Click on the currency/percentage button on the right to toggle whether it's a fixed amount or a percentage
- Effective dates: This is the period when your price track will be available
- Courses: A list of all your courses from which you can select the courses that this price track concerns
- Audiences: A list of all your audiences from which you can select the audiences that this price track concerns
- Branches: A list of all your branches from which you can select the branch that this price track concerns
Once you set up your price track, this will be available in your price track list. From you price tracklist, you may edit, inactivate or delete a price tracking.