To add images to your Certificate template (e.g., a logo, a background or a signature), go to Home > Certificates (1).
Go to the Images tab (2). Here, you can see all the images (3) currently used on all your Certificates. You can upload new images by dragging and dropping them into this area. The suggested dimensions for signatures are 200x40 and for background images are 840x600.
Note: Certificate images uploaded are connected to a branch, so if you will upload an icon as a branch-administrator this will be not shown to other branch-trees. As a branch-administrator, you can see and have available all images uploaded in your branch and in its sub-branches.
After uploading your images you should follow these steps to add them to your certificate templates:
Go to the Templates (4) tab. To edit a specific Certificate template, click the name of the template or the respective edit symbol (5).
On the code block in the XML content editor, find the <images> tags. Wrapped inside, are the images used by the template you've selected:
<image file="heavy.png" w="300px" h="210px" x="0" y="0"></image>
<image file="custom_signature.gif" x="18" y="176"></image>
To replace an image, just change the filename in the file attribute (e.g., file="NewLogo2018.png"). To add a new image, just add a new line of code, as shown in the examples above (e.g., <image file="NewLogo2018.png" x="18" y="176"></image>).
Note: The x and y attributes are the coordinates of your image on the space your template covers. You can edit them to place the image anywhere on your certificate. For example, a "0" value for both attributes (x="0" y="0") places the image at the top-left corner. For background images, you also have to specify the 'w' and 'h' attributes (width and height) according to the size of your certificate.
Click Update to save your changes.
To preview your certificate, click the respective view symbol (6).
Note: In the 'Advanced settings' of each template, there is also an Image ratio field for background pages. If an image is not displayed, make sure first that this value (7) was not accidentally set to 0 (zero).