IBM Connections™ Cloud is a cloud-based software solution that offers online meetings, instant messaging, file-sharing, collaborative document editing and more in a single platform. eFront lets you integrate your portal with IBM CC to provide users with an advanced suite of collaboration tools.
Here's how:
Step 1: Activate the SocialCloud plugin in eFront
1. Sign in to your eFront account as the main Administrator and go to Home > Plugins.
2. Install the plugin SocialCloud (contact our support team to have the latest version or if you don't have it yet) and click the respective switch (1) in the Status column to turn it ON.
Step 2: Set up the eFront widget in IBM CC
1. In your eFront account, go to Home and click SocialCloud.
2. Click Widget setup file (2) to save the widget installation file locally.
3. Open a new browser tab and sign in to your IBM CC account as admin.
4. Click Communities on the top bar.
5. Click Start a Community and, from the drop-down list, click Start from New.
6. Type a Name (required), choose an Access rule (required), and click Save to create your community.
7. Click Admin on the top bar and choose Manage Organization from the drop-down list.
8. On the left-hand panel, click Organization Extensions.
9. Click Add.
10. Check Upload an extension from a JSON file, click Choose file and upload the Widget setup file from your local disk (see Step 2.2).
11. Click Add.
12. Go to Communities and click the community you've just created (see Step 2.6).
13. Click Community Actions on the top bar and, from the drop-down list, choose Add Apps.
14. On the dialog box that pops up, click eFront for CC to activate your widget.
Step 3: Configure your IBM CC plugin in eFront
1. In your IBM CC account, click Admin on the top bar and choose Manage Organization from the drop-down list.
2. On the left-hand panel, click Internal Apps.
3. Click Register App.
4. On the dialog box that pops up, type eFront in the App Name field, check OAuth 2.0 in the Auth Type section, and add the Callback URL (i.e., https://[your-efront-domain]/socialcloud) in the respective field.
Note: The plugin only works with websites served over HTTPS (SSL).
5. Click Register.
6. On the Internal App column, click the drop-down symbol next to eFront and choose Show Credentials from the drop-down list.
7. On the dialog box that pops up, click Show Client Secret in the Oauth 2.x Credentials section.
8. Note down the OAuth 2.x ClientID, Client Secret, and Web App CallbackURL.
9. Return to your eFront account and go to Home > SocialCloud.
10. In the Hostname field paste the OAuth 2.x Web App CallbackURL (see Step 3.7).
11. In the App ID and App Secret fields, paste the OAuth 2.x ClientID and Client Secret (see Step 3.7).
12. Check Enable IBM Connections Cloud™.
13. Click Save.
From now on, when your users click the SocialCloud icon on their eFront account, they authorize the system to share the data of their choice through their IBM Connections Cloud™ account.