Curricula are a way of grouping your courses for easier organization, performing mass actions on all of them, or selling them online as a single entity. Groups are for Users and the Curricula are for Courses.
The Curricula section allows you to see all existing curricula in a tabular listing that also shows the number of students enrolled in each one and buttons to edit or delete a specific curriculum.
The section also features a search box for quickly finding the curriculum you want to view or edit. The curriculum list can be downloaded as an Excel-compatible .csv file.
Adding a Curriculum
To add a new curriculum follow the steps below:
- Sign in as an Administrator and go to “Curricula” (1).
- Select “Add Curriculum” (2).
- Add a Curriculum image (3), fill in the name (4) of the curriculum, select the category (5) (based on the currently existing categories, optional) that your curriculum belongs to and lastly, add a description (6) and click “Add” (7).
Note: Under advanced settings (8), you will find additional options such as:
Editing a Curriculum
When editing a curriculum, you can edit all the settings we have described above under the Curriculum (1) tab.
You also need to select the courses that are going to be a part of this curriculum, along with whether each course is mandatory or optional for the curriculum. You can do so by going to the Courses (2) tab and click “No”, changing it to “Yes” (3).
Moreover, you can manually manage the users of this curriculum by enrolling or removing Learners from the Users (4) list. To do so, click “Enroll Now” (5).
Change to the “Branches” (6) tab to assign this curriculum to a specific branch, and click “No”, changing it to “Yes” (7).
Finally, specify the Curriculum Rules by changing to the “Rules” (8) tab. On the Rules page, there are two sections: “Scoring rules” and “Completion rules”.
Change the Curriculum scoring rule by expanding the “Set the curriculum score equal to” (9) and select one of the available curriculum scoring rules:
- The average score of all completed courses.
- The average score of all mandatory courses.
- The average score of specific courses.
Select if you want the curriculum score to change if the Learner completes the courses in the curriculum with a new score (10).
Under Completion rule, you will find a list of all the conditions that have already been set (if any) to complete this curriculum. To set a new condition, click the “Add Condition” (11) button and set a new condition and its relation to other conditions.
Pick one of the following available completion conditions (12). Your options are:
- Completed all mandatory courses: Learners will need to complete all mandatory courses in the curriculum.
- Completed specific courses: Select the prerequisite course from the drop-down menu.
The “Relation with other conditions” (13) drop-down menu offers two options: “And” and “Or”. Conditions that are set to “And” must all be met by the user for the course to be considered “completed”. On the other hand, out of all the conditions that are set to “Or”, only one must be met by the user for the course to be considered “completed”. Select “Add” (14) when ready.