Tagging is now available for courses, units, and questions.
By using tags, courses, units, and questions get easier to distinguish, and you’ll be able to find them faster through the search bar or the filter.
How to create/add tags to courses
To add a tag to a course, click Courses on your Dashboard page, go to the course that you want to add tags to, click Properties, and then “Show advanced settings” (1) to expand the section.
Start typing the tag you wish to add and use your keyboard’s Tab button to create the tag and add it to the course. Another way to confirm your tag is to click on the auto-generated action message (2).
Your tag is now available (3) to be used in this and other courses.
Note: Tags you create are available to both courses and units. |
Administrators and instructors can view course tags under the course title on the course list.
How to create/add tags in units.
To add a tag to a unit, scroll down to the bottom of the unit’s page to find the respective field.
How to create/add tags in questions.
Similarly, with Courses and Units, to add/create tags for questions, you need to access the question, click “Show advanced settings”, and find the Tags field to create or add an existing tag.
Searching units/questions/courses with tags.
Go to your search bar, start typing the tag you want to find, and courses (4) and units (5) with that tag will start popping up.
Similarly, you can start typing a tag in your course list’s filter box to find specific courses quickly.