Creating or editing a user type mostly means changing his permissions.
The three built-in user types (Administrator, Instructor, and Student) can serve as the templates to base your custom user type permissions on, by selecting the 'Basic User Type' for your user type.
Note: this will change the permissions of your user type to the ones that the basic user type has, so it’s best to only do it when you begin editing a new user type, to avoid losing your changes. |
Permissions are applied to eFront's entities, such as courses, lessons, users, groups, jobs, branches, etc, and can be 'Disabled' (not applicable to this user), 'View' (user can view this item), 'Edit' (user can view and edit this item’s properties) and 'Add/Edit' (user can edit the properties of this item and create new items of the same kind).
Thus, a user with the following permissions:
Can Add, View, and Edit (Add/Edit) Courses.
Can View and Edit Users, User Types, Certificates, Categories ('Edit')
Can only View Groups
Doesn’t have access to View or Edit Branches, Jobs ('Disabled')
Note: if you can 'Edit' an item, it is implied that you can also 'View' it (but not the reverse). |