You can use the Disconnect Idle Users option to automatically sign a user out after they’ve been inactive for a specific number of minutes.
To do that:
Log in as an administrator.
From the administration dashboard, go to System settings.
- On the left-hand list choose Security (1) and remain in the default GENERAL tab (2).
- Click Yes (3) on the Disconnect Idle Users field. A new field, Disconnect after (4), will appear.
- Insert the number of minutes after which the user will be disconnected. Click SAVE to confirm this change.
Note: Valid values are 0 (which means the feature will be disabled) to 1439 (23 hours 59 minutes). If a disconnection time is not set, the system will disconnect users on its own after approximately 5 days of inactivity, but if and only if the cronjob scheduler is running.
A user will be considered "not actively present" when a session is not updated (e.g., any explicit user action, like a page visit, or implicit, like a background AJAX process and a test autosave).
Display countdown timer
Optionally, a countdown timer can be displayed on the top, counting minutes and seconds left until the session expires. When you click Yes on the Disconnect Idle Users field, the option Display countdown timer (5) will appear. Tick the option to enable it.
The user will be logged out when the timer reaches zero. The system will save any pending progress.
The countdown timer is displayed when the time left is less than 1 hour. When the time left is 10% of the total expiration time, the system will also pop up a message asking the user what to do. The user can reset the countdown by clicking the recycle (6) icon of the counter.
Note: This setting is global only and cannot be overridden per branch.