If you want to enable the self-registration option for the users to self-sign up to your portal as an administrator and from your Administration dashboard, go to the 'System settings' and visit the 'Users' (1) section.
The 'Allow self-sign up' (2) drop-down menu shows the available options.
According to the level of control that you want to have on the User registrations, select the option that is best for you:
- Enabled: users will be able to self-register and be automatically activated
- Enabled but requires email activation: the users will receive an email with a link to activate their account
- Enabled but requires admin activation: the administrator will receive a notice for the new registrations and he will decide if he accepts or declines the new user registration
- Enabled but only for the users having a valid LDAP account: use this option in case you have enabled the LDAP integration
Once you have enabled the self-registration option, when users visit your system they will be able to sign up (3).
Clicking on the Signup link will get them to the Register with the eFront page where they may create an account with the system.
Note: : if you require your users to have an email address, the 'Users are required to provide an email' (4) must be active in Home > System settings > Users. |