After adding a test to a course, you can further customize it through the test's "Advanced settings".
The available options are:
Time limit: Either choose "None" to have no time limit at all, "Overall (Specify)" to set a fixed time limit for all units or "Per question" to set a separate time limit for each question.
Repetitions: Set how many times a learner is allowed to take the test by using a whole number. Leave the field blank to allow for indefinite repetitions. Set to "1" to allow no repetitions at all.
Maintain history: When users are allowed to repeat the test many times (see "Repetitions"), set how many attempts are to be recorded in their individual test history.
Mastery score: Set a passing score by using numbers from 1 to 100. Leave the field blank for the test to be considered as passed regardless of the final score. Check the box on the right end of the field to apply the new "Mastery score" to all completed tests and update their status according to the new passing threshold.
Test password: Set a password to control access to the test (this option is inactive when the "Splash screen" box in the "Display" section is disabled.)
Request personal info: Select what types of personal information a user is required to provide during the test. The list is populated with the extended profile fields (for more on how to extend a user's profile, see this article).
Request personal job: Check this box to request the users' job title.
If the test is passed: Choose what happens after a user has completed and passed the test. Pick one of the following: "Show a message" (a field appears to type your message), "Show only questions", "Show questions + given answers", "Show questions + given answers + score" or "Show questions + given answers + score + correct answers".
If the test is not passed: Choose what happens after a user has completed the test without passing. The options are same as above.
Traversal: Check "One by one" for the questions to be shown one after another in a different screen and "Move forward only" so that users cannot return to previous screens/questions. Check "Submit on leave" for the test to be submitted automatically after a user has left the page/portal and "Force answer all" to prevent users' from submitting the test until all questions have been answered.
Completion: Check "Redo only wrong answers" for users to repeat only the questions they got wrong in their previous attempt (set "Maintain history" to more than "1" for this option to take effect). Check "Immediate feedback" for the users to receive feedback right after submission (this option applies exclusively to tests that have "Traversal" set to "One by one").
Shuffle: Check "Answers", "Questions" or both for them to be shown to the user in a random order.
Display: Check "List" to show all the questions numbered, "Weights" to show the weight each question carries on the final score, and "Splash screen" to show a splash screen before the test begins.
Test mode: Pick one of the following:
"Normal" (1) for regular tests.
"Self-assessment" (2) for tests that don't affect the overall score (for more, see this article).
"Knowledge parity assessment" (3) for a test that, if passed, enables the user to complete and skip the lesson. A knowledge parity test precedes the lesson, and when a user fails it, they have to take the lesson. Each lesson can contain only one such test, so when setting a test mode to "Knowledge parity assessment" any existing "Knowledge parity assessment" test is automatically reset to normal.
Once you are done, click on the "Save and select questions" button to go to the new test unit's "Questions" tab and pick or create questions for your test.
Note: For more on the available question types, see this article.