The Gradebook feature gives administrators an overview of all units that need to be reviewed or graded. To review how you can use Gradebook to grade submitted Assignments check here. To review how you can use Gradebook to grade Free-text questions check here.
To see your Gradebook, log in as an administrator and click the Gradebook (1) icon on your homepage dashboard.
Instructors with permission to access Gradebooks can find them on the top menu bar by clicking their Avatar > Tools > Gradebook In your Gradebook, you can see the total of units that need to be reviewed.
Use the search box (2) in the top left corner to search by user or course name, or click on Score (3) to see all the items under review.
In this section (after clicking on 'Score'), you can view and grade a submission (1), send a message to the learner (2), or reset the submission (3).
You can filter the list by using the drop-down menus as shown above and/or by selecting a specific course from the drop-down menu under All courses (4).
In the same way, you can choose a unit type (e.g., to see just the assignments or just the tests), filter by user, and choose a period to see only submissions that happened in a specific timeframe by selecting a start and an end date and click Apply (5).
User Gradebook
Note: An administrator can see a specific user’s Gradebook in that user’s Gradebook (1) tab |
Use the Gradebook search box to find a user and see a complete list of all the courses they have enrolled in. Sort the list by Course, Status, Total time, Score, Progress, Enrolled on, Completed on, and Certificate.
Click a course’s name, and you will be redirected to a page where grades of all scorable units for that specific student in that specific course are shown.
Click the three-dots (2) on the “Incomplete units” column, and you will see a pop-up window that will show the units not completed by this user in this course.
Click any of the unit titles to be redirected to it, and grade/edit accordingly.
Course Gradebook
After a course is selected a grid will show a list of all Learners (1) enrolled in the course as well as their Status, Progress, Score, Certification, and scores for each scorable unit.
Note: Green cells indicate units a user has passed, while red cells indicate units a user has failed |
Click a user’s name, and you will see a list of all the course’s units that can be graded for them, divided by lesson:
Clicking the Course Dashboard button redirects you to the course. Click “Show Incomplete Units (2)”, to see a list of all the units that have not been completed or passed by this user in this course:
A click on Show Grades (3) will bring you back to the previous view (list of units that can be graded for the same learner in this course).